
8 tips to fall asleep happy

Published in Book Rest in March 2018 by Marion’s editors

8 tips to fall asleep happy

Children always fall asleep with a smile, and what about us? Being able to get to sleep after intense days, often full of stress and problems, could be very difficult. Would you like to find out how to relax and fall asleep happy? Here are eight tips that allow you to cultivate well-being and enjoy a good night's sleep.


Relaxation begins by creating the right atmosphere in the room: lights off and silence are the optimal conditions to facilitate relaxation and sleep. Once laid down, you need to find the ideal position in your bed, make yourself comfortable in the right space, removing everything that could make you trouble, even the pillow if it bothers you.

fall asleep happy, ideal positions


Thinking over the events of the day, mentally or writing it in a diary, it is therapeutic, increases awareness of oneself and helps to elucidate what one would like to change in one's life. Observing and meditating on one's own behavior allows us to treasure what we have learned. By reviewing the past day you could concentrate on finding at least three beautiful things that have happened: a small success at work, a smile of a beloved person, a nice message, a good lunch or just the sun that arose. Keeping a diary of gratitude steadily increases the level of happiness and is a great way to keep track of small daily hits that usually go unnoticed. Take a few moments to celebrate, no matter how small the successes are, it will make you relive those moments of joy and you will fall asleep peacefully.


Is there a problem that distresses you? When you go to sleep, analyze the situation in detail, objectively, from all points of view. In this way you will see the facts with greater clarity and understanding and solution will come almost by itself. When a person has the courage to see what he is afraid of, awakens lightly in the certainty of having dissipated every shadow. If you have had a conflict with someone, you need to stimulate the ability to be honest with yourself and with others, so you will melt away any guilt and you will live more lightly.

fall asleep happy, not thinking about the problems


Before you fall asleep you should visualize the things to do or the wishes to be fulfilled tomorrow, this will give you more strength and energy for the day ahead. Do you have an important appointment or a test that worries you? View the scene in details. Try to imagine how you would behave or what to say, but above all your mood. Feel the emotional load of the situation and at the same time breathe deeply. As you slowly take possession of your feelings you will begin to feel calmer and become master of yourself. When you really face the crucial moment you will feel more secure and stable, because having imagined the situation will be like having already partly lived it.


If sleep is hard to come close your eyes and imagine yourself in a place that you love or that is able to make you feel in peace and harmony. Visualize the colors and light that surround you. Feel the wind that touches your face, the rays of the sun that warm, the water that refreshes your feet, meanwhile inhale and exhale deeply. Listen to the noises and surrender to the scents of the air, let yourself be permeated by the feeling of freedom and calm.


Pampering is a panacea for the heart, which is why kissing goodnight and embracing the person you are going to sleep with, is good. The feeling of physical and psychological closeness is beneficial for both and is a real therapy against anxiety. You should not go to sleep without having made peace with those you love and you are never too adults for a hug that comes from the heart. It is essential to spend time chatting with your partner, pampering your children or your pet. Spending time with your beloved ones after a hectic day is the best way to enjoy the presence of the other, tell their own day and reflect on what you have.

fall asleep happy, kisses and pampering goodnight


Reading a good book before going to sleep allows both to fly the mind to distant islands and to relax it completely. A good book stimulates creativity and rekindles curiosity in life. Reading combines sleep and at the same time recharges the batteries for the next day. Meditatiing music is also a great help to sleep well, listening to relaxing sounds defeats sleep disorders. Choose a music that inspires you, relaxing and soothing, close your eyes and let the sound waves enter inside you, listening carefully to any variation of intensity, rhythm and timbre.


Meditating, even just ten minutes, is the key to relax your body and calm the mind, especially those evenings when the brain does not seem to want to go out. Dedicating oneself to the spirit through meditation or prayer helps to calm the mind and lets all negative thinking slip away. Reflecting and thanking for the best things that have happened during the day will allow the joy of pervading your mind, so collect only positive thoughts, breathe slowly and with a supine position, perhaps adding good background music.

fall asleep happy, meditation and spirit