
Between jokes , masks and confetti an inevitable tradition but with an eye to the line

Published in Book Rest in February 2015 by Marion’s editors

Chatter : tempting Traditional Italian desserts

And after the big Christmas blowout we expect Carnival sweets

How to say no to “le chiacchiere” ? Sweet and fragrant , this is the right time to enjoy them. These tempting traditional Italian desserts have an ancient history dating back to the tradition of frictilia , sweet fried in pork fat which , in ancient Rome , were prepared during this period and which were produced in large quantities , as they had to last for the period of Lent . The sweets report different names depending on the region of origin: chiacchiere and lettuces in Lombardy, rags and damsels in Tuscany, frappe and sfrappole Emilia, Crostoli in Trentino, Galani and gale in Veneto, bugie in Piedmont, as well as rosoni, lasagne, pampuglie, and many other strange names. Certainly as all the delicacies , they are very good but certainly not light, because the traditional recipe involves the use of so many eggs, sugar, butter and a large amount of powdered sugar for the chock. To stem the guilt , then, maybe because we have just started a diet , there is a variation of the light chatter : baked but still irresistible ! Delicious and light, they have only 200 calories per serving. Also , following this recipe will be easier and faster than the traditional method , and it will save the smell of fried food in the kitchen.
Chiacchiere : tempting Traditional Italian desserts

Ingredients ( serves 6 )
• 250 grams of flour of type 00
• 20 grams of sugar
• 25 soft butter
• 2 eggs
• Dry Marsala or other sweet wine q.s.
• lemon organic or at least untreated
• half a bag of baking powder
• a pinch of salt
• powdered sugar q.s

1. Place the flour on spanatoia and make the fountain ; in the center put a pinch of salt , the sugar , the lemon zest and baking powder . Beat the eggs and pour into the crater , add two tablespoons of Marsala and the butter.
2. With a fork, mix the ingredients , then continue with your hands , knead until dough is smooth and homogeneous ; if you still need to join a dash of Marsala . Form a ball , cover with plastic wrap and let stand for half an hour .
3.Take 1/3 of dough , flatten it with your hands and pass it into the machine to roll the dough , or use a rolling pin , until a dough thin enough . Spread the whole lump.
4. Divide the sheets into rectangles of 10 cm long and of width about 6 , using the cutter wheel . Two incisions internal to the length of the rectangle of dough.
5. Arrange the chiacchiere in a single layer on plates covered with parchment paper , and bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for about fifteen minutes . When done , take out of the oven , let them cool , then sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve .
Enjoy your meal!