
Are you ready for the change of season?

Published in Book Rest in March 2014 by Marion’s editors

Dust mites. Discover the enemies of your sleep

After a long, cold wait spring arrives, magically everything is filled with colors, sounds and scents.

Sure, things aren’t how they used to be ... And this is one of the reasons why the transition from a season to another has become problematic, including thermal range and a rapid alternation of spring days with others that turn into cold winter. Then if you add the unpredictable weather, with episodes of wind still cold or sudden rains, it's a done deal. Just sweat a bit'in a too light jacket or in a too heavy sweater and you catch a sore throat, flu symptoms and cold are ready to hit anyone.
How to protect yourself?
First with a healthy diet and a good rest, important starting points to counter the natural reduction of the immune defenses and to maintain an efficient metabolism. The best diet in this regard is the Mediterranean, rich in fruits and fresh and seasonal vegetables, fish, legumes and whole grains, flavored with a little oil, herbs and spices rather than salt.As anticipated, another essential element is to protect sleep, during which the body recovers energy and eliminates the stress accumulated during the day. Determining component, in this case, is mattress, which should be comfortable but also breathable, anallergic and should give a maximum hygiene (possibly in latex!).
No less important, is to consider the clothing. Preferably flexible, to avoid being caught unprepared by temperature changes, is useful to adopt the "onion" style, remembering to choose only natural and breathable fibers. PFor those who tend to suffer from pharyngitis and sore throat, should never renounce to a scarf or a light scarf.

When, however, despite all the various devices, flu symptoms do not hesitate to occur, you have to try soothe them with some minor DIY and patience. Among the less invasive but still effective you can have hot drinks such as milk and honey, chamomile or herbal tea naturally sedative. Broths and soups against sore throats and loss of voice. For more natural action, but more determined, you can entrust to propolis, in the form of beads that melt in your mouth or water-alcohol or glycerine solutions.
Finally, for those who can not do without the advice of the pharmacist and prefers to focus on pharmaceutical remedies, he has at his disposal a range of remedies available over the counter such as antiseptic and decongestant to be taken on the basis of specific cases and individual preferences.

Fruits and vegetables that help to rest