
It is better riding two wheels!

Published in Book Rest in May 2015 by Marion’s editors

The top list dedicated to whom loves going on two wheels.

The top list dedicated to whom loves going on two wheels

Cycling can be a good way to enjoy the mild temperatures remaining active. Spend some time riding a bicycle brings benefits to health : it involves the use of your legs and it is not a strenuous exercise for the joints. In case you still need to convince youself, here is a top list of reasons to get on your two wheels:

• You will help to protect the environment .
In the space occupied by a car you can park 20 bicycles . About the energy and materials needed to produce a car , they need only 5% to produce a BIKE . A bicycle moves by emitting zero pollution !

• You will fall into a deep sleep.
Researchers at the Faculty of Medicine at Stanford have conducted research by asking a group of people who suffered from insomnia and led sedentary lives , to go bike riding for 20-30 minutes for alternate days. The result? The time taken to fall asleep was reduced in half and the time devoted to sleep was increased of almost an hour. The explanation lies in the fact that you regularly exercise in the open air and sunlight helps the heart rhythm to be in sync and allows the elimination of cortisol from the body , the stress hormone that can prevent a deep, rejuvenating sleep.

• It keeps you away from the dreaded letter C.
Several studies prove that performing any exercise is useful to prevent or avert the dreaded disease of the century , cancer. More detailed studies have even shown that cycling is specifically good for our cells to function properly.Finnish researchers have made a long-term test that led them to an extraordinary discovery : people who perform physical activity at a moderate level for at least 30 minutes a day have half the chance of developing cancer than those who do sedentary lifestyle. What is the light exercise often cited ? Going to work by bike . Other studies have shown that women who ride frequently reduce the risk of breast cancer by 34%.

• It is an alternative piggy bank.
The more you use your bike for travelling , the more you get a chance to save money. The preceding sentence will become apparent when you try to leave the machine stopped in the driveway for a week . Considering only the fact that you will save money for the fuel you can get,it could be at least 35 € per week , not to mention than the costs of maintenance , insurance and property taxes.

look for parking in the city• You'll see things that motorists can not see.
Cycling you will have the opportunity to follow paths or streets to a cruising speed that will allow you to see many more details of your city or the surrounding countryside. You can discover new restaurants , specialty shops , bars , bakeries and other activities that are off the beaten track. With a little training you are able to travel longer distances and all that you will need is a right bike , a map and the weather! If you are on vacation and you give yourself a bike tour you may for example , come across small villages and hidden beaches that often go unnoticed along roads.

• You can park in the blink of an eye.
People who go to work with a car often complain about the difficulty in finding a place to park his car all day. In some cases , when the cities are very busy or during peak hours , it becomes a real race to the parking lot. One of the best things you can appreciate travelling by bicycle is that you can reach the goal directly. You will not be forced to take detours to the last minute or do not get bored wandering around looking for an open seat in a dingy car park. In addition , almost certainly , you will not be forced to pay to leave your two-wheeler brand !

• Because "it's cool"!
Madonna does it with his bodyguard . Johnny Depp does in old style . Belen Rodriguez does it in shorts ! They are all VIPs with a cool and trendy look , but they are even cooler when we see them get to the edge of their bicycle. When you are riding does not matter if you go slower or faster than anyone else . It does not even matter what you wear . Cycling makes you special and sets you apart , on top of everything. It gives you a style that is hard to define and that inspires admiration and respect. It is the "charm of cycling"

• You lose weight intelligently.
Bicycling is one of the best exercises you can do to stay in shape. You decide at what heart rate work by modulating simply the riding . Faster for a slimming aerobic work or slower to increase resistance. Riding is pleasant and does not require waste of money. In addition , if you move by bike to complete daily chores , you will begin to lose weight without even trying.

• The Karma will have no secrets.
Cycling promotes freedom and self-sufficiency . If you want to walk around you can do it without depending by the availability of other people or cars. You will gain confidence in yourself and the Karma will receive benefits . Not only you will feel a better human being , but you will soon be able to overcome adversity , to protect you from spam , to escape the clutches of the diabolical boss and jump obstacles of 2 meters. Okay , maybe you are not able to do this ... but it makes the idea.

... So what are you waiting for? Go bikeriding has only positive aspects . Dear / or girlfriend / or reader do not waste time , get in the saddle and start riding!

bicycles convey freedom and reduce stress by parking