
Do you have trouble falling asleep? Go camping!

Published in Book Rest in July 2015 by Marion’s editors

Dormire in campeggio riabitua i ritmi naturali del sonno

Discover why a camping holiday is healthy for your well-being.

Several years ago, humans were used to go sleeping as soon as the sun set and woke up when it rised. They used candles and, later, oil lamps. Then came Thomas Edison and, with him, the incandescent light bulb. From that moment everything changed, including our sleeping habits. So if you have trouble sleeping at night, or if you feel dizzy in the morning, now you know who to blame! Studies show that even a simple weekend camping can help you deal with insomnia.
In the opinion of some scientists, all sources of artificial light can affect circadian rhythms (wake-sleep). Boulder Colorado university conducted a study of 8 adults of average age of 30 years which included the monitoring of all the activities of a normal week of life (work, study, sport, food and sleep). The majority of the light to which they were exposed was artificial. The same eight individuals were invited to spend a week in camp, facing only natural light. Participants, therefore, have been living in a tent, without the aid of any artificial light. Throughout the duration of the experiment, sunlight, sunset and evening bonfires were the only sources of illumination. This little deprivation synchronized immediately the biological clock of the 8 volunteers and allowed researchers to find that artificial light causes a delay of about two hours in the circadian rhythm of waking / sleeping, creating imbalances in their hours devoted to rest. At the end of their stay in camp, participants have found some relief that helped to make them feel more refreshed and active during the day.

La vacanza in campeggio tra alba e tramonto Exposure to natural light of dawn and dusk helps synchronize the biological clock inside the body, favoring both falling asleep and good rest. So, for once do not choose the usual luxury hotel or fabulous residence to spend the holidays. Leave the tablet , portable consoles and smartphones at home (limit to bring a cell of the nineties, one of those who does not surf internet and is limited to phone calls). No ipod and earphones in your ears. Stay tuned on a frequency that you never listen: Radio Nature. Listen to the flowing water of the stream, the wind caressing the grass, birds chirping. We advice you that at the beginning it will not be easy. It will be a little 'how to learn a new language”. But little by little you get used to it and soon you cannot live without it. And then, what is a holiday without the cell phone ringtones, without the distressing news from the world and without the inevitable politics transmissions and current affairs?

Cuscino Marion: ORION If you are not really a camping addicted and your rule is "home sweet home", we'll want to bring a little piece of your daily habits. Put in your inseparable backpack your pillow to sleep! Do you want to try one that ensures maximum comfort? Try Orion. Easy to carry or vacuum-sealed, it ensures a perfect hygiene as it is washable by hand or machine wash in cold water, no spin and no detergents.
You just have to choose the destination and, backpackers, prepare the holiday of your life that will help you put your body and mind in sync with the world around you.