
Colors and sleep.Make the right chromatic choice for your own rest

Published in Book Rest in June 2013 by Marion’s editors

The colors of the bedroom affect your day

There is a relationship between the quality of what we do and the colors of the room in which we find ourselves.

There have been many studies on the effect of color on humans, how they regulate our heartbeat or how they can change our blood pressure.
It has been scientifically explained the relationship between the quality of what we do and the colors of the room in which we find ourselves.

The blue and its shades to which the receptors of our retina are very sensitive, by definition are relaxing colors, the ones that deliver security, for this reason they are adopted by the medical staff, they help muscles relax and then make us sleep rapidly; ideal for those who suffer from sleep-related disorders.

The color choice of the bedroom should be applied both to furniture and trousseau.
If the room is very spacious and what you want is simplicity, natural colors such as ivory, sand, mud, mocha, combined with furnishings with clean and essential lines, are those that can help you get the desired effect.

If you want a warm and cozy bedroom better to focus on warm colors of wood such as beech, cherry, oak, and to give a touch of modernity just point on furnishings that have combinations of colors and materials.
To have a loft effect and give a light aspect to the room it is better to choose shiny or matte lacquered elements in soft colors or just white.

The chromatic choice of the bedroom should be applied both to furniture and trousseau. The situation is different for children's room, where they spend most of their time and where the colors can play a key role in the development of their creativity, thus green light for bright colors, apple green, lilac, orange, blue, yellow , colors that stimulate the attention and increase concentration, better avoid green because it inspires laziness.

So whatever is the effect that you wish to have in your bedroom, there are colors and materials that can help you achieve it.
Thanks to its large range, Marion can help you realize your bedroom in line with your aesthetic tastes and your emotions.