
Flu alarm: some suggestions for a good rest between stuffy nose, coughing and sneezing

Published in Book Rest in January 2015 by Marion’s editors

Influence : stuffy nose cough and sore throat

Influenza 2015, symptoms, treatments and remedies

Stuffy nose. Cough. Sore throat. When the flu looms , everything you want is to hole up in bed and sleep for at least the next ten days. But these annoying symptoms prevent in many cases to sleep peacefully and above all with continuity. But let's step back : sleep a little or badly affect a lot our immune system . If exposed to the virus , people who sleep less than seven hours per night may develop influenza 3 times more easily than those who sleep at least 8 hours . It is important to consider that sleep allows the immune system to regenerate and , therefore , act as a shield against external body viruses : so , especially during this period , it is important to prioritize the rest and , if it is too late , sleep well in poor health will certainly help to recover quickly. Having said that , we have prepared a short list of small steps to follow to relieve discomfort from classical influence and improve sleep. First of all remove congestion , the mucus that obstructs breathing , with the help of the nasal washing with a salt solution in distilled water . The kits for nasal irrigation is easy to find and are practical and painless.

Cures and remedies are the usual ones : paracetamol or ibruprofene for high fever , pain medication for pain medication and local sore throat and cough Good natural remedies are the honey for the throat and cough , and the mother tincture of propolis which is a great natural anti-bacterial and helps to prevent complications

Also keeping the bedroom cool is important. When the body temperature drops, the brain adjusts itself to sleep . Indeed, it is advisable to keep the temperature of the bedroom between 12.2°C and 23.8°C. Keep it in the dark is just as important as the light signals the brain to wake up. It is good , therefore , prevent sun rays from reaching the eyes , in the morning , perhaps through the dark curtains or wearing a night mask. Use a humidifier, diluting a few drops of menthol with water, to prevent respiratory tract to dry further. Take a hot shower before going to bed , it is another valuable aid. Coming out of the shower , the reduction of the temperature of the body will help the brain to prepare for sleep. Advantage: the steam power decongestant and moisturizing the nasal passages and throat . Wear socks before going to bed . The heating of the feet helps the body to relax and to approach to sleep. Keeping the head raised while sleeping, with the aid , for example , of a second pillow or by choosing a system of quality rest , with a head – foot lifting bed frame that confers a greater comfort than the classical one and which allows , regardless of the state of health , a more refreshing sleep and therefore a healthier life. Sleep with your head elevated helps to relieve chest tightness and ease breathing. Finally calm the mind that sometimes , especially when you are not in great shape , can present some blockage that prevents a peaceful rest . To help the mind to enter the sleep mode , some relaxing pastimes are recommended such as meditation , reading a book , the record of your own thoughts on a personal diary or listening to soothing music.