
From the table to the mattress: the foods of passion

Published in Book Rest in May 2017 by Marion’s editors

From the table to the mattress: the foods of passion

Love, food and sex: a beautiful red thread links these three elements. A bond that goes far beyond the chemistry of the body, although chemistry, in some cases, gets its start.
The pleasure, as everyone knows, goes through all 5 senses and for each one in a different way, but the approach between the pleasure of eating and making love, seems to be an elective affinity that does not stop working and appears to be, perhaps one of the favorite binoculars of seduction.
Food and sexuality meet basic physiological needs for the survival of the species, through nutrition and reproduction, and share the same dimension of pleasure. Both meet our senses and they do it using the same circuits, the same brain areas, and even the same hormones!

And of course ... A sexy lingerie and scented candles are not enough to provoke a hot night! Sometimes eating a meal together with her/him , turns out to be a real preliminary, not just because eating and cooking together can be a very sensual and allusive act that stimulates desire, but also because observing how your man or your woman behaves at the table, you can understand some traits of the personality and guess what kind of lover will be in bed.
And if I add special foods to the menu, the so-called aphrodisiacs? Well ... then we would not escape under the sheets! The menu is a very powerful seduction weapon and reading this article will make you realize how "taking a man for the throat" is much more than a way of saying!
Undoubtedly, the romantic atmosphere plays an essential role, which can also transform a slice of pizza into a seductive reach, but it is also true that with some scientific studies, it has been shown that some foods contain stimulant substances that contribute to awake desire.
Particularly well-known in this field is the chili which, thanks to its spiciness, assures a very lively sexual activity, but there are others, even sweeter, on which you have never even pointed to so far! Let's see together then, what are the allied sex foods, most unexpected.

The foods of passion for man


Several studies argue that honey can stimulate testosterone secretion and, therefore, increase male sexual desire through nutrients and mineral salts such as boron.
That was what Egyptians used to claim, serving honey during wedding banquets!


Fish, in general , especially blue fish, and in particular salmon and cod, is considered an aphrodisiac food, essentially for the presence of Omega-3 fatty acids, whose antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects make it a sort of elixir of youth and hence of sexual effectiveness especially in humans. It is said to be able to cure erectile dysfunction. Will it be true?


Bananas are also aphrodisiac: this fruit fights male impotence. Rich in vitamin B and potassium, if consumed two hours before the loving encounter, promises tremendous performance!

The foods of passion for the woman


Cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg: these spices, if used hot, increase the blood flow in the abdominal and pelvic regions. Actually, they can also be taken as capsules but they are so good, used in some herbal teas and added to many recipes, which would be a shame not to do it! The heat that they spread in the body is able to intensify sexual pleasure.


Often protagonists of potions and elixir of love, they are always regarded as potent aphrodisiacs. Almonds improve health and feminine desire and its high nutritional properties make it a perfect snack for a break in a hearty night of love!


One of the lesser-known property of liquorice root is its stimulating effect on female sexual desire (to be avoided by males). Even in the Kamasutra, in fact, this plant is claimed as an effective aphrodisiac.

The foods of passion for man and woman


Known as the aphrodisiac par excellence, always associated with passion in the collective imagination, acts as a vasodilator due to the effect of lecithin. It intervenes in the body by improving blood circulation and also contains capsaicin that gives it a particularly spicy flavor.


The unqualified king is always the one who has always been considered a must. In cakes, muffins, cupcakes or cubes, chocolate inebriates and excites . The Atzechizi considered it the food of God!
Thanks to the cocoa, chocolate contains a lot of substances related to excitement and sexual desire. Among them, phenylethylamine (or the chemical substance released during the falling in love) and Anandamide which is related to the sensations of pleasure.


An ancient Aztec belief associates this fruit to the male's genitals, considering it one of the phallic symbols of excellence. In the menu of King Louis XV was always present.He is also remembered for his fame as a seducer. A single piece of avocado can provide the energy needed to cope with a long night of love without weighing.
Strongly rich in protein, fat, and vitamins increases hormone production in humans and helps regulate the thyroid in women.


Oysters, along with mussels, clams and scallops, have a form that recalls erotic suggestions, but are also rich in zinc, a fundamental and indispensable mineral for the thyroid to secrete the hormones which regulate the production of sexual energy.
Undoubtedly, they are the most sensual foods to eat: it is difficult to eat them handling cutlery, they force you to consume them with your hands, and sucking some parts of them.

Are you ready to face a real night of fire?