
Homeopathy: what is it?

Published in Book Rest in August 2015 by Marion’s editors

Homeopathy: what is it

It is a burning issue and strongly discussed especially in recent years when the percentage of people who call themselves "health-conscious" and who choose this method of treatment have increased dramatically. What do you think about it? Can homeopathy be defined as an alternative to the traditional medicine or is it simply a good placebo effect?

You have probably seen, at least once, an episode of his show or if you've never seen it, in your family there will sure be someone who knows his name. The now famous Dr. Oz (cardiac surgeon at Columbia Presbyterian in Manhattan) is also involved in that vast area of care that has to do with the remedies of medicine, so-called "alternative" : herbs, homeopathy and traditional remedies. He is a real doctor and if he takes care of his patients with homeopathy, maybe it will be better for you to continue reading this article!


According to the latest Doxa data, 4 out of 5 Italians are satisfied with the results of homeopathic treatment. There are 20,000 registered doctors, who prescribe homeopathic medicines and 11 million Italians who use homeopathic medicines.

Do you know how it works? The action of homeopathy is more similar to the action of a vaccine than of an antibiotic. In fact, with the homeopathic medicine, substances similar to the agent that produces the kind of disease are administered. In this way, it stimulates an immune response that is appropriate to reinforce the body's defenses favoring the healing or preventing the disease. It proposes to treat the disease not much in itself as in the "land" on which the disease is acting. Homeopathic remedies are made using minimum doses of plants, animals and minerals ingredients.

For example: to treat a rash, it can be used an homeopathic medicine derived from bee venom, because the bee venom, in contact with our body, creates a reaction similar to the rash.

a doctor for friend

To prescribe and treat with homeopathic medicines you must be a doctor first. In Italy, homeopathy is a skill that is acquired after graduation and any specializations can be achieved attending specific training courses. There is only one difference between a traditional doctor and a homeopath one: dialogue!
Throughout a conversation between the patient and the homeopath, there will be examined in detail the symptoms, as well as the patient’s feelings, his thoughts, his experiences and what has contributed to prejudicate potentially his health. Unlike traditional medicine, homeopathy aims to improve radically the relationship between the doctor and the patient paying more attention to the human aspect of the disease. Sometimes a smile, a pat on the back and a reassuring phrase can do much more than many real or imagined drugs. Should this be the reason why Dr. Oz is followed all over the world?
What is the right point of view? It would be appropriate to begin to consider homeopathy not as an alternative medicine but as a support. In fact, homeopathic medicines are used by doctors in combination with traditional medicines. Homeopathy is, therefore, proposed as a complementary medicine. It is certainly not a coincidence that the majority of people access homeopathic intervention only after having been treated with traditional drugs and having seen the ineffectiveness or the intolerability of it. Supporting and / or replacing the homeopathic medicine to the classical one, it is possible to bring significant benefits to the patient. This mix of care is not entirely harmful, indeed there is very often a positive complementarity.

(Source: my-personaltrainer.it)

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