Returning home after the holidays: how to be organized for autumn

Published in Book Rest in September 2017 by Marion’s editors

Returning home after the holidays: how to be organized for autumn

It is easy to panick once you set foot in your house when returning from the vacation. Until yesterday you were stretching out in the sun doing nothing, your only concerns were to get your skin tanned , waves, ice cream and total relaxation ... Today you are back home and your first thought is to flee away from the washing up and ironing, re-ordering rooms, and bills to pay! Returning home after the holidays can be really traumatic for a housewife, as well as for a woman who works. Here are some tips on how to regain your living spaces with a good organization and with a smile ... in view of the fall!


Some do it in December, but actually, September is the right month to put order among past activities and plan some changes. Write black on white all you want to do in the coming months: pool, gym, diet, stage, language courses, cooking, travel, hobby, volunteering.
Fix 3 or 4 goals to keep up all year round. Learn about course schedules or details of new activities so you can mark them in the agenda or calendar. Do not postpone!



Take advantage of the latest hot days to refresh your environments. Like spring, even the end of summer is a good time to paint the rooms. You could choose a weekend to paint a room or to decorate it with greeks and stencils. Remove the curtains, activate the washing machine and in the meantime, scrub carefully the windows and glasses. As soon as the curtain wash cycle is completed you can hang them directly to the clean windows so that they can be air dried without using the iron. The same may be done to carpets, pillows, sheets and clothes: it is time to take advantage of the sunny days to give a wash. Separate the clothes according to the color and type of stains, then turn on the washing machine and remember that in most cases it is not necessary to put high temperatures that, in addition to increasing the consumption, endanger the environment. A fast 30 ° wash will give you a clean laundry. For mattresses, carpets and pillows, use a paddock and, if possible, lay them outdoors for some hours. A cozy, scented and refreshed 'nest' will allow you to tackle the cold season having that extra oomph.



We need to prepare the plants for the winter, at least those who have survived this year's heat! Remove old and yellow leaves, clean the soil by adding some more if needed. Perform a slight pruning and repot the plants grown too much. If you have a small vegetable garden, September is the ideal month to plant beetroot, carrots, cabbage, chicory, salad of all kinds, parsley, arugula, rapeseed, radish and spinach. The flowers to be sown this month are instead tulips and hyacinths.



Do not stumble at keeping things home that you have not used for years! September is the right month to eliminate the superfluous: expired drugs, those bomboniere or gifts that you disike, broken objects and furniture. Keep a handy bag for all the clothes and accessories you do not use anymore, maybe you can give it to those who are less fortunate. Eliminate everything that is no longer in line with your personality: you will have gained valuable space and will face the autumn with even more oomph from a psychological point of view. Dedicate some space in the closet or drawer for summer garments that can be useful even during colder days: a lightweight shirt combined with a sweater will be perfect even in winter.



We all have dead bodies in the fridge and freezer, it is time to give them a worthy burial. Lemons, half onions, lamb left-over Easter 2016! Throw everything that has expired, with a bad aspect or unlabelled frozen food. Defrost the refrigerator and clean it with a suitable product.



Tidy up the shelves with colorful boxes and small and large boxes where you can store tools for your jobs, gardening, children's games and photos. Colorful labels and maybe a couple of new shelves to affix in strategical areas which will help you make everything easier, simplifying your life.
Dvd, books, CDs and magazines crowded or crammed without a criterion? Organize your culture to the fullest. Buy a box with transparent bags and labels for cd and dvd that do not have a case. Arrange books and movies based on topics, if you do not love the manical alphabetical order. Associate authors, genres, and colors. Buy a magazine rack where you can only put the last numbers of your newspapers. From the bundle of magazines select useful items and store them in a binder, throwing away all the rest. Likewise, collect photographs, brochures and tickets by dividing them for travel or years.
Store neatly, from the oldest to the most recent, documents and receipts already paid. You can do the same with the millions of files on your computer and smartphones!



Clean shelves and drawers carefully and do not hesitate to get rid of what you do not use (especially cosmetics!). It is much better to have fewer quality products than what could harm, even from the health point of view, delicate parts like skin and eyes. Privilege a decor with a few tasteful objects, compared to overloaded shelves, difficult to clean and that would give the image of a chaotic atmosphere. Buy a new tent and pad for the shower, hang a picture or some photos on the walls, and if you have space, add a nice greasy plant. Do you want to renew? Change everything that is ruined: mirrors, toothbrushes, baskets, towels. And if you like listening to music while showering, buy a water resistant radio.



Unless you live alone, it is fair that the other tenants co-operate. Fix on a slate the urgent things that every member of the family has to remember: dates, deadlines, medical checks, bills, insurance and car review. Take advantage of the post-vacancy group harmony to subdivide tasks and lighten the return load. Start a registry of expenses and a savings plan to share with your family to enjoy the next vacation altogether!