
How to fight heat and exhaustion

Published in Book Rest in July 2014 by Marion’s editors

Fighting heat and fatigue with melon and watermelon that quench and  possess diuretic virtues

Tips to better enjoy summer in the city

When we don’t have it we invoke it and we desire being overwhelmed. When it arrives, most of the time we repent even about having desired it. We talk about the heat and high temperatures that characterize the summer. There are some who are forced to stay in town for long periods becoming victim of incandescent high humidity and asphyxiation situations. In the city, in fact, the little green, the very many constructions, the asphalt and the cement favor the accumulation of heat of the day which then is released again in the air, especially during the night hours. A vicious circle, able to stop only with the eruption of summer storms.

But how to avoid heat waiting for the uncertain arrival of the rain? The increase in temperature can cause major disruption, especially those at risk as children and the elderly.Usually you feel exhausted, experiencing greater difficulty in carrying out daily activities.

One of the first rules to neutralize the effects of burning heat regards moisturizing your body: heat makes you sweat, so you need to replenish lost fluids by drinking plenty of water. It is advisable to drink approximately a couple of liters during the day, to be associated to careful and rich nutrition, especially,of fruits and vegetables. The meals must also be light and well distributed throughout the day, so to get around drops of sugar and lowering blood pressure. It would be also good to avoid or limit your intake of alcohol or high caffeine content.

Small meals spread throughout the day and fruit and vegetables to combat the stifling heat of our summer

It is important not to overlook the clothing. It is advisable to wear light clothing and especially non-members, preferably made of natural fibers and light colors, such as "write off" excessive absorption of heat. We must avoid leaving the house during the hottest hours of the day, namely the central ones.

At home, however, if not fitted with a fan or air conditioner, you should shield the windows exposed to direct sunlight, in order to prevent environments from overheating too.

The night's rest is important, to better face the day that follows. To do well, qualitatively speaking, it is essential to choose a mattress made up mostly of natural components and which limits the accumulation of sweat, preferably associated with a breathable coating that promotes good hygiene and ensures the effect of "cool and dry".