
Electromagnetic waves, learn to defend yourself

Published in Book Rest in January 2014 by Marion’s editors

Electromagnetic waves learn to defend yourself

Electrosmog or electromagnetic pollution!

Physicists say that "Every living being emits radiation. The vast majority of living beings is able to receive and detect waves" and that therefore the interference of other electromagnetic waves or electric fields could represent a danger to the subjects exposed for long periods.

Today we have also been talking about electrosmog or electromagnetic pollution, generated by the advancement of new technologies. It’s an invisible pollution of which scientists haven’t yet certain data, but that feeds many doubts linked to the actual danger of these fields and the effects that have on our health.

The IARC has defined them potentially dangerous, placing them at level 2B of the reference scale.
This measuring standard defines the amount of radiation absorbed by the human body, resulting in tissue heating, denoted by SAR (Specific Absorption Rate).

The device considered to be responsible for this type of pollution is the phone, now entered in everyone’s daily life, ignoring the fact that even the latest models of smartphones, not only emit radiation, but give rise to electromagnetic fields, created by the set of one electric and one magnetic.

Some companies that produce phones indicate on each product, the value of SAR expressed in watts per kg (brain mass), or the power of the magnetic field that can be generated, attached to it also potential hazards that may be incurred by abusing. Moreover, recent scientific researches have shown an interference between the fields and the behavior of cells.

It is possible to protect yourself from the effect of these waves by following a few precautions. For example, if it isn’t used it is advisable to keep the phone away from sensitive areas, such as the head, heart, genitals, back pockets are to be preferred.

During calls it is not recommended to hold the phone to your ear for a long time, since studies led on the use of infrared cameras have confirmed an excessive heating of the area in contact with the phone, usually the ear. It’s ideal to use earphones, that help to increase the distance between the person and the device and drastically reduce the emitted waves. To avoid wires, A variant Bluetooth is available for sell available that develops irrelevant power ranges. It’s better to avoid calls while on the move, in transport or car, which increases the intensity of the magnetic field as the phone, haven’t got a fixed signal, it researches it continuously.

Even the portable emits electromagnetic fields, for this it is not advisable to keep it too close to the body or resting on the legs without the use of a cushion that works as a screen.
But there are many other devices, with which we live and that we can not control, generating electromagnetic fields, such as television antennas, radar, repeaters, the object of constant struggles between environmentalists and local governments.

Sources of electromagnetic fields can be hidden inside the houses, they can be generated from the carpet as a result of friction, by common household appliances, refrigerators, washing machines, televisions, power lines. Help may give natural stones, belonging to the quartz family, and their power of absorption of electromagnetic radiation.

Pending certainties it is best to follow the advices given to us, and remove or keep off the phone at night to ensure a good rest. Helpful is the use of a "insulating"rest system, it is free from metal parts, which in particularly exposed areas can act as antennas.
The latex mattress and the wooden bed frame are substantially without meta partsl, so they offer good insulation against electromagnetic fields.

The latex mattress and the wooden bed frame are substantially without meta partsl, so they offer good insulation against electromagnetic fields

Fonte: casa.atuttonet.it/benessere-e-salute/