How to fight the typical winter insomnia

Published in Book Rest in January 2017 by Marion’s editors

How to fight the typical winter insomnia

If some animals naturally hibernate in winter, many men and women ,with the cold , have serious difficulties in falling asleep even though, the desire to stay in bed should increase. If on one hand the arrival of the solar hour, the shorter days, the low temperatures and the pleasure of staying warm under the covers would seem all perfect ingredients for a long sleep, on the other hand it is a strain for others who suffer from insomnia. If you want to rest well you must avoid some common mistakes and know some little secrets to improve the quality of rest and enjoy a few hours as a dormouse.


Having a too high temperature in the bedroom

A bedroom that is too hot or too cold compromises your rest: remember not to exceed 19 °, but at the same time not to go below 17 °. The radiators in the room where you sleep must remain off during the night. Furthermore, attention must be paid to the humidity level in the room, ensuring that it is between 50% and 55%, neither too humid nor too dry.

Eating heavy food at dinner

During winter , especially on holiday, we change our eating habits, reducing the quantity of vegetables and fresh food. Try to avoid calorific food especially at dinner, because they slow down the digestion causing a bad rest.

Avoid eating too well in the evening, disturb good rest

Drinking caffeine, too hot drinks full of sugar

Avoid the coffee already in the afternoon, bound it in the evening and replace it with a relaxing herbal tea, but without exaggerating with sugar, a little honey would be better. If you really can not do without hot drinks, treat yourself with only decaffeinated tea.

Avoid coffee as early as the afternoon and replace it with a relaxing herbal tea

Sleeping too much at the weekend

After a week of work it is tempting to give yourself a few hours more of sleep at the weekend, but this change alters the normal sleep-wake cycle. It is important that you do not change your sleeping habits during the weekend or during the holidays because on Monday we would start our week even more tired.

Covering yourself too much in bed

There is nothing worse than being cold when you are in bed, but it would be just as wrong to cover up a lot and warm the bed as if you lived at the North Pole. Choose a quilt of the right weight and a pajama of a comfortable and pleasant fabric on your skin. Pay a strict attention to the electric blankets or warming-up, they must be kept on for a maximum of twenty minutes and before going to bed, the warmth helps relaxation and rest, the too hot has the opposite effect.


Find and check your biorhythm

Biorhythm is acquired over time, but having a constant routine helps to defeat insomnia. Going to sleep at a specific time and waking up at the same time every day is really important. In winter the body needs more rules and relaxation, so do not go to bed too late. A controlled biorhythm will also strengthen the immune system.

Airing the bedroom

Even if it is cold outside, remember that it is important to air the bedroom at least half an hour in the morning, both to expel moisture accumulated during the night, and to prevent the proliferation of bacteria and mites, especially if you suffer from allergies or you have animals. Restoring oxygen is essential for a good rest.

Five drops of essential oil on the pillow

A few drops of lavender or chamomile essential oil promote a peaceful sleep. Try to distribute them on the pillow on the most sleepless nights. The intense scent of these flowers contribute not only to a more serene and deep sleep, but also ensure a better awakening and therefore more energy during the day. Chamomile is perfect for children or migraine sufferers. Lavender is also optimal for those suffering from colds, asthma or allergies.

A warm footbath before going to bed

Lying in bed with cold feet does not promote the fundamental relaxation to fall asleep. Doing a hot footbath before going to sleep is a simple but effective and better than wearing wool socks that become bothersome during the night.

Finally, remember to choose a quality bed system!

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