
Ideas for a "natural" home

Published in Book Rest in December 2016 by Marion’s editors

Ideas for a natural home

What is more enjoyable than coming back home and being greeted by a pleasant scent? And maybe not a persistent smell of an industrial product, expensive and highly chemical but only a gentle feeling of pleasant freshness hailing from natural flavors. To recreate this magic , woody and fruity floral, you just need ingredients always present in your homes. Find out how...

At this particular time of the year, a great help comes to us from the radiators that can spread , thanks to their heat, any fragrance with whom they get in contact.
There are many ideas and easy DIY solutions that not only would make our house more comfortable, but also improve our mood and our wallets! Let us arm ourselves with so much imagination and, as a first step, we should choose carefully the essence to spread out. For example, for the living room, it is better to use mint essence, thrush, pine, geranium, bergamot and lemon. They all are fragrances that keep the attention alive. Instead, in the sleeping area it is preferable to spread perfumes that could favor a good rest, such as lavender, rose and cedar.


La vacanza in campeggio tra alba e tramonto

If you are a lover of fruity aromas, when you eat oranges, lemons and mandarins, we advise you not to throw away the peels. Cut them into strips, put them on a small rectangular tray and place it all on a radiator, in this way they will emit their distinctive fresh fruity fragrance.
These fruits are also suitable for the realization of groundbreaking pomander, or citrus fruits (oranges, mandarins and lemons) padded with cloves from the outside. To make sure that their fragrance is released in greater quantities, put them near a heat source such as a radiator or a fireplace: during the cold days they would give you a warmer and a more enveloping environment.


La vacanza in campeggio tra alba e tramonto

For essential oils, the list of materials to be used is almost endless! Rely on your personal tastes or aromatherapy. The aromas of many natural elements have been used for centuries for their beneficial effects on health. For example, the orange and lavender stimulate relaxation, sage, laurel and eucalyptus are a cure for the cold . If you are fascinated by the East, you can add all spices such as cinnamon, star anise or cloves that "heat up" the environment with their intense scent.
For the preparation of essential oils DIY, there are 2 methods: cold or hot.
For the cold method you need a vegetable oil (olive, almond or wheat germ) and the leaves or flowers of the natural element you have chosen as a fragrance. Attention, they must be natural and without pesticides!
Wash and dry well the elements, place them into a plastic bag and mash slightly with the help of a rolling pin. Transfer the content into a glass jar and add 250 ml of oil. The infusion should rest in a cool, dry place for at least 48 hours. Finally, filter the oil and add 5 drops in each radiator humidifier. If you want to get a more intense fragrance, just increase the amount of flowers, leaves or spices and repeat the procedure.
The hot method, however, provides that oil, leaves and flowers are boiled first. Put 1/4 cup of herbs in 250 ml of vegetable oil, and cook it all over a low heat, in bain-marie, for 6 hours. Make it cool down and filter the oil obtained with a cotton gauze. Put a bowl containing water and essential oil on the heater so that the evaporation harbors the essence fragrance and its beneficial properties in the environment.

Perfumed essences are able to trigger memories or desires, may even influence us, subliminally. Below, the result obtained from a survey of the Scent Marketing Institute of the USA.

  • TALC: makes you feel nostalgic and protected
  • MENTA-LIMONE: acutizza l’attenzione
  • LAVENDER-VANILLA-CAMOMILLA: makes you feel relaxed
  • SMOKE BARBECUE: makes the room seem smaller
  • APPLE-CUCUMBER: makes the room seem larger
  • LEATHER-CEDRO: induces you to buy expensive furniture
  • FOOD FRESHLY BAKED: pursuades you to buy a house
  • SMELL OF FLOWERS AND LEMON: lead you to more purchases
  • LAVENDER-PUMPKIN PIE: induces sexual arousal in men