
Sleeping in couple: the body language never lies!

Published in Book Rest in August 2016 by Marion’s editors

Your body language when you sleep

Embraced? Back to back? Separated but connected? In spoon position? How do you sleep in bed with your partner? The body language reveals a lot about our personality as well as the emotional and sexual life of the couple. The bed, in addition to being the realm of passion and relaxation, is the ideal place to understand the relationship between partners. So, how does a happy couple sleep? And what does a certain position mean? Perhaps loyalty? Betrayal? Harmony? Or just too much heat or feet too cold?

The couple spends a third of their time sleeping together. It is when you turn off the light that you share the most spontaneous attitude: the positions adopted during the rest glimpse ghosts, doubts, fears, tensions but also great certainties. In short, if the pair breaks out or if it is true love you can see it right in bed. Do not just spy on your partner stirring in bed, to glimpse anxiety or stress; what matters is the position that you choose just before falling asleep. There are couples who can not do without sleeping embraced and others, however, are not able to give up their living space while asleep and they would rather need a bed for four people to be comfortable. Let's see the most common positions and their equivalent significance in a psychological meaning.


It is the position in which the partners sleep closely and one’s back "sticks" in the belly of the other.
This is probably the position that best reflects the perfect harmony that the couple is experiencing: the bodies become one, passion and desire exist between them; it is indicative of a couple who lives a solid, tender and empathetic relationship.
It is usually the man embracing the woman from behind, this highlights the desire to stay close and to feel protected by a warm and enveloping embrace.


If one clings to the partner, like a "backpack" or just like a koala, instead of being placed in an interlocking romantic position, be careful!
This is a sign of possessiveness and a certain affective addiction to the partner: we are talking about a relationship at times suffocating.


Apparently it would seem a negative case, but this is the position that, among all, represents the solidity and the great desire of independence of the couple.
Thus if you sleep in this way with your lover, most likely yours is a stable and healthy love, based on trust and personal independence.
This does not mean that the couple is free from crises, but reveals the ability to face and overcome difficult moments of the story as an opportunity for growth.


Careful if one of the partners spreads over the whole bed, with his arms and legs extended, forcing the other to stay in a corner. This is not a good sign. We are facing a relationship a bit unbalanced and unequal, in which one dominates the other. No doubt the relationship is going through a difficult time, in which the person taking up less space, feels insecure and has low self-esteem, remaining curled up in the fetal position.


If you sleep embraced to your partner, this means that you as a couple are in an excellent time, including the sexual aspect. The embrace reveals commitment, love and affection. The man protects, with his arms, the woman he loves and the woman abandons herself and leaves herself to be coddled.


Often the couple sleep in their favourite position but somehow looking for a contact with the partner. They tie to a finger, with a foot or more commonly with legs or ankles. This is synonymous of a balanced, spontaneous, engaging relationship but not oppressive: both partners have friends and separated activities and respect their mutual spaces. Their smooth touching emphasizes the intent to protect one another, without being too intrusive. For some couples it is simply a natural and unconscious way to re-establish a contact and make peace after a quarrel.