
Sleeping on your left side: the benefits

Published in Book Rest in March 2017 by Marion’s editors

Sleeping on your left side: the benefits

Huddled, with spread legs, belly up, belly down, on the right side, left side, covered, uncovered, with pajamas or bared: everyone has his own way to indulge in the arms of Morpheus. But what is the best way?

Perhaps you are among those who, until now, had never faced the problem of sleeping in one position rather than another ... Surely after this article you'll start to do it!
Eastern medicine has studied this topic advocating, for some time now, we should all sleep on the left side. It is said, in fact, that Buddhist monks used to sleep after meals, and only for ten minutes, ranking strictly only on this side. This position, as well as being the most suitable for the body, brings many benefits and helps some organs to function better.
So, specifically, what are the benefits of sleeping in this position?

sleep on the left side helps correct lymphatic drainage


The left side is the dominant side of the lymphatic system: this is where the sap transports proteins, glucose and metabolites. So, for a better drainage, it is good to rest on this side.

sleep on the left side helps correct lymphatic drainage


Perhaps at this very moment you do not remember, but either the stomach or the pancreas are located on the left side of the body, so, sleeping on this side, the digestive juices would be better channeled thus would produce more pancreatic enzymes.
Therefore, if you can not give up the nap after lunch, the advice is to do it on the left side. This way you will get up lighter and active!

sleep on the left side helps correct lymphatic drainage


Sleeping and relaxing, lying on the left side, would facilitate a better passage of the waste produced during the digestion through the intestines, and in particular towards the descending colon. In sum, in the morning it will be easier for your body to deal with the actual process of elimination.

sleep on the left side helps correct lymphatic drainage


More than 80% of the heart is on the left side of the body. Sleeping on this side we foster its health in a simple and natural manner.
Another aspect to consider is that the aorta leaves from our heart in an arched shape,towards the left side and finally reaches the abdomen. If we sleep on this side, our heart will pump more easily and optimally and blood will flow more easily.

sleep on the left side helps correct lymphatic drainage


Another very important organ is located right on the left side of the body: the spleen.
This is very similar to a lymph node and is an essential element both for digestion that for the immune system because in addition to filtering the lymph, it also filters the blood. If you sleep on the left side of the body, we ensure our fluids to be directed to the spleen in a simpler way, favoring the natural force of gravity of our body.

 Pegaso it is the anatomic cushion for excellence that helps prevent cervical diseases

Sleeping on the left side of the body can help prevent the sense of burn at the stomach and helps snorers to breathe better. Even neck pain and back pain may depend on how you sleep. On the side we usually find ourselves in a more natural position, but we must also know how to choose a suitable pillow and the right mattress.
Marion's Pegaso cushion is ideal for those who have the habit to sleep sideways. Its particular shape envisages two different height waves that create a central depression, thus favoring a correct traction of the cervical vertebrae producing a relaxing effect on the musculature of the neck and shoulders.
Pegaso is the anatomic cushion for excellence that helps prevent cervical disease. Its honeycomb structure with more than 400 small transverse holes, moreover, favors the constant passage of air. In this way the cushion ensures a dry environment and immune to be attacked by mites and bacteria.
Choosing the right pillow is very important, especially if you want to avoid bad awakenings.
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