Personal hygiene: summer needs more attention

Published in Book Rest in July 2017 by Marion’s editors

Personal hygiene: you have to cure it more in summer

"Taking baths warms the body and its moods, weakens nature and spreads the pores,this is the cause of death and illness." This is mentioned in a 40th century medicine treatise... In short, really absurd ideas for us modern men, adoring the daily "cult" of the shower!
Yet there seems to be someone who follows respectfully these words... They are the classic people who are afraid of water and soap and that you find punctually on your side on means of transport when going to work, in a row at the post office or in the queue at the supermarket.
Especially in summer, with afa, moisture and sweating, the cure of your personal hygiene is a must!
Taking care of yourself is a way of doing good and respecting others.
Then what should be done to make sure that everyone respects the good habits of personal hygiene?
What is needed is a true personal hygiene manifesto: a vademecum to hang in the bathrooms of offices, on the mirrors of the rooms, in the halls of palaces, on bus seats, everywhere!
But what points should this Manifesto contain? Let's see them together...

Cura l'igiene del tuo materasso

HANDS AND FEET. Hand hygiene is paramount. If you think of how many times you handle money, call the elevator, use your pc and smartphone, take control of public transport ... Every day you come across millions of viruses and bacteria. For this it is important to use a good antibacterial soap and wash them often, especially before eating or after being in the bathroom. Also, it would be preferable to use personal towels.Even feet are important! Wash them at least once a day with a gentle liquid soap, dry gently and massage them with a suitable cream that will restore circulation and favor hydration and nourishment. Alternate the shoes that you wear and let them take air all night, in a well-ventilated place (not in a shoe rack).

FACE - EARS - NOSE. Even if you think your face is clean, sweat, sebum and pollution make it nauseous, shiny and dirty. Wash your face every day, morning and evening, with water and soap.
Also clean your ears and nose daily. These cavities favor bacterial dissemination: for your daily hygiene, empty your nostrils with disposable handkerchiefs and then use cotton or special sprays to remove the cerume from the ear cavity. The ears hygiene allows you to perceive the sound in a clear way, making the bacterial attack impossible in an extremely delicate area.

TEETH. Is the terror that you feel each time you sit on a dentist's chair enough for you? Are you sure you can not spend five minutes on your smile after each meal (a minimum of three times a day)? Our tips: brush your teeth for about three minutes, use dental floss and mouthwash and you will always have a cool, kiss-like breath!

SHOWER. A daily shower is good and right! A complete wash everyday, helps you eliminate dead skin, excess of sebum and smells.
Even the body is ideal for microbes: sweat, dust, and heat are the cause of multiplication of germs. This is why it is important to have a shower with specific, antiallergic and delicate products, which respect the natural ph of the epidermis, favoring its cleansing and deep hygiene. In addition, it is advisable to change linen, especially the underwear, on a daily basis.
Immediately after the shower, use a gentle deodorizer to keep you fresh and clean!

HAIR. Hair should also be washed and protected regularly: shampoo twice a week by gently rubbing the scalp and apply balm and protective masks to protect your hair. The brushes used for drying are strictly personal.

PERSONAL CARE. Intimate hygiene is very important for the protection of delicate areas: the washing should be done at least once a day and with delicate liquid soaps that protect you from bacterial attack!
Women, but also men, are exposed to continuous contagion, caused by inadequate hygiene, using dark and synthetic linens, unprotected sexual intercourse. These conditions trigger annoying pathologies that can cause irritating itches, burns and redness in delicate areas. Cleaning the person is therefore indispensable to preserve the organism from the contraction of pathologies. A clean body is a healthy body and consequently beautiful and attractive!


And if one day, instead of the day-to-day shower, we get by with a "splash"?
David Whitlock is an American scientist who declares he has not washed himself for 12 years and to treat personal hygiene by using a spray that in his opinion could eventually replace soap. The miraculous spray is based on a bacterium that is found in dirty waters and when it comes into contact with the skin, it stops sweating by eliminating the bad smells of the skin.
This innovation has already been approved by many cosmetic companies, as unlike many other products on the market, it contains no preservatives, harmful components, and contraindications that can lead to unwanted effects.