
Swollen legs and cellulite

Published in Book Rest a Giugno 2015 by Marion’s editors

The heat and its posi(nega)tive effects.

The heat and its posi(nega)tive effects.

It is official, together with warm temperatures arrive weekends at the beach or pool, happy hour to relax and meet friends or evenings with adjoining barbecue gargantuan. But when the heat sizzles in the pan, our body reacts ! In this period many complain excessive water retention or , in the most obvious cases , swelling. Due to the effect of gravity , swelling is localized mainly at the feet , pelvis or legs , making it an unfortunate side effect of our beloved summer! Luckily, following some devices, we will be able to relieve this seasonal discomfort.

Why do legs swell?
When the swelling is due to temporary non-pathological conditions we refer to it as edema , or fluid build- out of the cells and the blood vessels ( commonly known as water retention). Ther are several types of edema, here we will analyze the physiological ones that is to say the ones we do not have to worry about and that usually subside with the regression of the condition that has favored the onset.

young legs and slender 1°- Edema overload orthostatic: occurs when we are forced to keep sitting or standing for long periods without being able to move much ( eg . Long flights or internal , works that compel us to sit for long time or standing still, etc.). Typically it disappears completely and spontaneously in a short time when the person starts to move.
2°- Edema by cyclical premenstrual: can occur in women a few days before menstruation. This type of edema is not localized in one part of the body , but it is generalized and not visible to the naked eye. Women complain sense of tension and heaviness , with a weight gain of 2 - 3 kg and less urine production ( thus a fluid retention) . It regresses during menstruation .
3°- Oedema in pregnancy: due to a rise in estrogens, which retain the liquids. This edema, however, should not exceed 7 liters. So 7 of 12 - 13 kg which woman acquires in pregnancy are fluid. It regresses with childbirth.
4°- Heat edema: is a swelling that appears as a result of summer’s high temperatures . For example, the swelling of the legs and feet at night is because capillaries dilate with heat. It is a generalized edema but more substantial in the lower limbs . It regresses completely with the lowering of the temperature.

(The source of the above points is 4: http://www.linfedematorino.it/2013/04/04/edema-fisiologico)

Stop the swollen legs and cellulite!
Water retention and cellulite are closely related. The probability of accumulating cellulite due to prolonged periods of stagnation of liquids is very high. Whereas, because of climate change in Europe the period characterized by high temperatures has lengthened about a month , the editorial Marion decided to talk about the reasons why you should not overlook the problem of swollen legs due to fluid retention and how to remedy.
Why does cellulite appear? Although there are several factors that give rise to cellulite , it is important to understand that it is caused by an alteration of the microcirculation. Suffer from water retention is the primary factor that contributes to the formation of cellulite because it alters the normal circulation of blood, lymph, oxygen and nutrients.
Composition of cellulite
What are the aggravating factors?

• Often wear high heels ( How much are you willing to sacrifice the latest Peep Toe you bought? ;-D )
• Leading a sedentary lifestyle ( Maybe it's better not to renew the subscription to the next Pay TV ? )
• Eating foods high in fat and salt ( Yes, we saw you on Facebook when you posted pictures of your dinner with friends!)
• Wear clothes too tight( Maybe the last jeans that the clerk suggested would have been better with a bigger size?)
• Poor posture( if you are sitting comfortably you are more like Snoop Dogg or Riccardo Muti?)
• Being overweight ( Ask your colleague to pass you the number of Jill Cooper ! ;-P )
• Smoking(If you are making the last shot ,make sure that is the last one of the year!)
• Little sleep(Marion’s consultant can visit you whenever you want!)

Unlike the stubborn cellulite, swelling from water retention can be eliminated immediately and easily with small steps. To escape the nagging problem of swollen legs just follow the tips given below bringing also benefits to cellulite.
Gently massage the muscles of the swollen area in order to stimulate blood circulation and prevent the accumulation of toxins.
Eat diuretic food ( eg . Potatoes , apple , fennel , onion , artichokes , etc . ) that promote the elimination of toxins Avoid heat , keeping the body cool by reducing vasodilatation of the capillaries of the legs . In this regard it is useful to direct the jet of cold water of the shower on the lower limbs
Raise your legs A simple and effective technique to follow at home. Keep your legs elevated than the rest of the body, it promotes the drainage of waste fluids and fights the effect of gravity on the veins. Enjoy the evening , by stretching on the couch or on the bed , resting your legs on pillows . For those who have the possibility, it would be preferable to have the opportunity to enjoy a good night's sleep on a sleep system with adjustable foot lift.
We like Marion’s comfort and , above all , we like making it accessible to everybody . From the products offered in the infomercial to the models of continuous slats , Marion boasts several devices with the raised portion head / legs manual or powered to accommodate the tastes of any customer. Aesthetically beautiful , functional and adjuvants for specific diseases or physiological problems like water retention , it is the ideal choice for those who like to get the absolute comfort with a simple movement.
Network with raised head and foot Marion