
SOS cold: skin enemy. Fight it in this way

Published in Book Rest in November 2014 by Marion’s editors

Winter is not a  friend of our skin

Winter , the enemy of our skin

During the winter the skin is put to the test : the cold lowers the defenses of the epidermis , which gradually loses lipids and other nutrients. It also causes the restriction of blood vessels , resulting in dehydration , especially when there is a lot of wind. If you are already predisposed to dry skin , then the risks increase . Who has oily skin is more protected thanks to the excess of sebum that , in this case , acts as a barrier ; but this does not mean that those who have oily skin should not protect themselves. But what actually happens to our skin in winter? To react to the cold our body brings more blood to the internal organs while the skin is less moistened. As a result the cells produce less collagen and the skin thins and becomes dehydrated . All this also takes away the vitality complexion and slows the elimination of waste and free radicals , which contribute to make the skin dull and lifeless. Result:a drier skin , less elastic and often itchy . Shock therapy : hydration and nutrition . How?

We start from the face, the most delicate part. The face must be hydrated during the day and at night because protection gives results. During the day the application of the cream should strive to protect against the elements and becomes a barrier to keep the balance of skin’s moisture ; at night , however , the cream gives a calming and balancing effect and combats the effects of the attacks suffered during the day. For your lips , you have to be more scrupulous : in fact , cocoa butter should be used with a frequently , also underneath the lipstick , because lips need continuous hydration , otherwise they could break and lose their tone.

As for the hands, it is important to use gloves , which have the function to protect at least from the wind. Even for the hands it is important a continuous hydration , preferably every time you wash them.

Cold, wind, rain, temperature changes ... ... agents are harmful to our skin’s health

Finally, the body ,even thoughit is always covered and protected from the atmospheric agents, it is affected by low temperatures. The skin of our body has fewer oil glands than our face skin thus it dries more easily. Especially after showering or bathing, you need to keep it hydrated with a fat cream or with milk cream.It depends on the type of skin.

Finally let's don’t forget that all of these remedies might work much better if supported by the most effective natural medicine: rest.