Why are you never in time?

Published in Book Rest in June 2017 by Marion’s editors

puntualità svizzera o perennemente in ritardo?

Are you famous for your Swiss punctuality, or are you one of those who perpetually arrive late because of the classic "black hole" that swallows every minute?
Perhaps you will be surprised, but our relationship with the time reveals important features of our personality. For example, people who arrive in advance are generally precise, neat and organized types but this, as well as a good habit, can also be considered as anxiety and a need to keep everything under control.
What to say about the chronic retardants, those who make crazy friends, boyfriends, and colleagues with record delays? According to psychologists, the tendency to arrive late does not depend solely on disorganization but also on some unconscious psychological motives or even more serious disturbances ...

Punctuality, unfortunately, is not a natural instinct belonging to each of us. Of course, everybody can arrive some minutes late : a blocked road, the underground out of use, the alarm that did not ring ... But some people seem to live in a condition of chronic delay.
They are those of the "quarter-hour academic" to the appointments, those that plunge over every expiration, stormed by the protests of friends and colleagues. The matter here is serious: at the root of this problem there may be a real mental disorder. In essence, some scholars claim that in this situation is involved the same part of the brain from which ADHD originates, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder. As to say, even in this case, it would be a problem of lack of self-control and offset perception.
The individual does not properly evaluate the time needed to perform some tasks and, consequently, is always late.
However, we can not omit a series of psychological motivations and character traits that push the delayer to be awaited.
From the irreducible multitasker, or the one who distributes attention to multiple tasks simultaneously, rather than concentrating on one at a time, the rebel who is inconsistent with the obligations and rules of society, who perceives the imposition of a certain time as a limitation to his freedom, not in harmony with its own inner rhythm.
In the latter case the delay is an unconscious form of protest, an attempt to recover, at least partially, the time that day commitments obliterate.
Another possible unconscious motivation of constant delay is the desire to attract the attention of others: those who come late to an important occasion often have everyone's eyes focused on them.
Obviously there may be other psychological reasons for chronic delay, perhaps linked to the history of each person. For this reason, it is important for those who are never punctual, to do some psychological introspection and try to respect a certain daily routine in order to overcome this problem.


Time organization, along with appointment management, are the keys to turn away possible delays. Between a commitment and another, keep a gap of at least 15 minutes ... Only in this way you will avoid rushing!

Learn to use the agenda to remedy the delay


Unless you have the gift of ubiquity, you can not be in two places at the same time! So, if you can not do it, cancel an appointment and be in time at least to the other one.

Reduce the number of appointments to remedy the delay


Unless you have the gift of ubiquity, you can not be in two places at the same time! So, if you can not do it, cancel an appointment and be in time at least to the other one.

Arrange the wardrobe to remedy the delay


Among the smartest moves , to avoid wasting too much time, you should organize your own wardrobe.
What about updating and structuring it not by seasonality or by color scale, but by aggregating complete outfits?

Learn how to socialize in order to remedy the delay


They make us waste a huge amount of time. They distract, interrupt, hypnotize ... In short they slow us down. When you have a busy agenda and the rhythm must be as agile as possible, to avoid delays, one of the most effective solutions is not to surf through social pages. You could do it after the appointment!

If you delay, excuse me!


If you really did not manage to do it in time , do not make up excuses! Admit to have a time management problem and apologize sincerely. The delay is a lack of respect for the others. Try to think about it: every time you make someone wait for you, you indirectly tell him that you do not have much regard for him.